



150 x 85 x 310mm

Piece commissioned by Pulsar, the Chilean music awards. Developed entirely in cast bronze, this object originates from the interpretation of concepts related to musical composition, specifically sound oscillation.
As a formal and constructive complement, we have looked to the Mapuche world and
its relationship with geometry. To this end, we considered some of the formal features present in Mapuche silverwork, specifically in the
shapes and contours. These formal features are built from simple pure geometries but intelligently integrate an oscillating and imperfect line. In this way, we took this formal logic and integrated it into the geometries that construct this object.

Designed in collaboration with Bravo Estudio.


Cast bronze.

I’m an industrial designer graduated from Universidad Diego Portales and currently based in Santiago, Chile. My work lies at the intersection of conceptual thinking—an observation of something—and functionality. There is a concern that the results, through details, are synthetic: that they respond to a simple, straightforward formal language that is open to interpretation but effectively meets its functional objectives. If you want to collaborate on a project, contact andro@androyurac.com